We are a group of artists, creators, and engineers that together develop projects for a sustainable future.
We create sustainable realities.


Moskosel Creative Lab
Is a one-of-a-kind project - a real location for artists to come and create, be inspired, and live sustainably. The lab is born out of a desire to recover and repurpose an old village school, turning classrooms into artists' studios. The project also includes the renovation of tiny homes, as well as several apartments and houses, all with a focus on sustainability.
The goal is to create a "Silicon Valley for art" in the rural inland northern Sweden. This creative place for creation and cultural resort provides artists with a beautiful and inspiring environment to work and live in, while also promoting sustainable practices. It's not only a space that is sure to foster the growth of some truly remarkable art but also a cultural hub that is directly positively affecting rural development. It serves as a bridge for rural communities and the art world bringing together the best of both worlds, promoting creativity and cultural development, while also stimulating the local economy and promoting sustainable living in the rural areas.
Instagram: @Moskosel Creative Lab
Facebook Moskosel Creative Lab
ART clubcard
An immersive mobile gallery showcasing a diverse range of digital expressions and works. 60'+ artists in residence at Moskosel Creative Lab, in Visual Arts, Performing Arts and Music, each creating a new digital work that will join a northern tour. With a focus on collaboration, the gallery will feature a broad range of mediums and geographic locations. A project supported by Kulturrådet, Swedish Arts Council and Arvidsjaur Municipality.
Website is in the making now, updating continuously. www.imkonsthall.com.
Project concluded
Icedriving becomes performance
Three artists were inspired by the car testing industry and wanted to create an event in celebration of the industry’s 50th anniversary in Arjeplog, North Sweden. A project with Musikteatern in Arjeplog in collaboration with NSF Linda Remahl, Harleen Kalkat & Jenny Schinkler. A project supported by Kulturbryggan.
Broadcasting Moskosel
Moskosel Creative Living
(details coming soon)
Sweden's first digital stage for young community art!
CALS is led by Livet Bitch! Scenkonst in Södertälje and is run in collaboration with CommunityKulturCentrum in Malmö, Producentbyrån in Gothenburg and Ung Scen Norr - part of Norrbottensteatern together with us Northern Sustainable Future in Arvidsjaur & Musikteatern Arjeplog.
The Bird Experience
A Creative Europe project with lead organisation The Next Door Project (Denmark together in collaboration with us, Northern Sustainable Futures (Sweden), The Symptoms (Hungary), Iris Karayan (Greece) and Cia Vinculados (Spain).
THE BIRD EXPERIENCE | NSF.Projects (nsfprojects.com)
Kulturrådet https://s3m.io/glpxW
Aurora Nexus
Is a concept to create a digital metaverse that connects and enhances the online presence of art, culture, businesses, organizations, and locations in the Nordic countries, with the epicenter on North Sweden. The project aims to promote rural development and entrepreneurship by creating virtual reality spaces and physical locations with full body tracking for access to metaverse experiences and opportunities.
(+ details coming soon)
Digital Dance Training
These workshops are the first pilot connecting digitally with Danscentrum Norr's members with the dance artists/dancers that are in residence at Moskosel Creative Lab.
(only available for Dancentrum Norr's members)
(we are the Swedish Hosts)
Sponsored by Culture Moves Europe, a mobility scheme funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and implemented by the Goethe-Institut e.V.,
Northern Sustainable Futures are delighted to be the Swedish host for 5x International Artists residencies.
Northern Digital Hub
The Northern Digital Hub is a groundbreaking project in Northern Sweden, created by Moskosel Creative Park and Northern Sustainable Futures. Its goal is to build a central hub in Moskosel, with smaller hubs in Arjeplog and Sorsele, to boost digital innovation and learning. These hubs offer a place for locals to work together, share ideas, and improve their digital skills through workshops and events. This project helps the community keep up with the digital world, promoting growth and making the region a more attractive place to live and work.
(more info coming soon)