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Embark on a unique artistic adventure with us at iMKONSTHALL. Our mobile gallery travels across different landscapes and communities, weaving an ever-changing tapestry of cultural narratives. This interactive map traces our journey, providing you insights about our diverse destinations and the artworks created there.

The iMKONSTHALL experience is not just about viewing art – it's about being part of an evolving story. By following our route, you become part of our creative journey, discovering new locations and their unique cultural and artistic expressions. Each stop on our map is a testament to the transformative power of art and its ability to unite communities

Curious about where we're heading next? Stay updated with our upcoming locations marked on our map. Each new destination promises fresh perspectives, innovative art, and enriching experiences. Don't miss the chance to witness the magic of iMKONSTHALL as we continue to traverse diverse geographies, bringing immersive art experiences to communities far and wide.





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