Yuvia Maini is a Indian-Norwegian-Cuban-Swedish animator and visual artist working with immersive storytelling. Her Stockholm based practice blends non-conforming narratives with both analog and neuveu technologies to expand unbiased spaces between pixels and humans. Her recent work combines motion and Augmented Reality as a way to prolong the public sphere and raise awareness about human rights. She has worked on commissions for Swedish Parliament, Swedens Women’s Lobby, Amnesty, Håkan Hellström etc,
founded the interactive animation studio BLOBB.TV and is a member of the art collective @misschiefs.se. "Rooms of One's Own" A remote conversation with your colleague entwines with your living room, while your best friend is sending you voice messages from 10,000 miles away. And you? You are present in all conversations at once. Constantly commuting. Moving through spaces. Places. Rooms. They entwine and you intertwine them. It's a position of constant adaptation.
And a place where the singular moment has been replaced by many. "Rooms of One's Own" is a spatial observation of the present time where one room intersects another. Through an audiovisual landscape of intertwined spaces, the participant is invited to observe and reflect on their own position of constant commute.